Study plan

Articulation by year of the contents of the educational activities

First year

In line with the general training objectives of the Course, the first year's specific purpose is to provide doctoral students with in-depth knowledge and to make them acquire adequate functional skills and methodological tools, on the one hand, to carry out critical analyses, evaluations and syntheses of ideas and, on the other hand, to improve their design skills in the areas of the organization, operation and activities of public administrations. To this end, it is envisaged the study at an advanced level, also from a historical perspective, of the organization of public administrations at all levels, in the light of Euro-unitary law, regional public law and local authorities, private law (with particular regard to assets in the relations between P.A. and private individuals and the subject of P.A. contracts). Further, specific insights will be devoted to the law of technological innovation and the application of quantitative methods to legal sciences. Doctoral students will also be required to apply what they have learned in the performance of individual research activities and will have to start the activity of elaboration and drafting the thesis. Finally, it is planned to carry out training activities of your choice.

Second year

The specific training objective for the second year consists, in addition to the complete acquisition of advanced analytical and design skills in the fields of Euro-unitary law, regional public law and local authorities law and the law of technological innovation, in the deepening of study and research methodologies in the fields of criminal law of public administrations, European administrative law, public contract law, labour law and public environmental law. In addition, the issues of administrative activity and public accounting and those of information technology applied to the P.A. will be the subject of targeted investigations. The aforementioned teachings will be accompanied by the individual research activity, the writing of the thesis and the carrying out of training activities of your choice.

Third year

In the third year, the deepening of advanced notions and research methodologies in the fields of public administration criminal law, European administrative law and public contract law will be accompanied by the specialist study of economic law, international law, administrative justice, constitutional justice and the protection of fundamental rights. Particular attention, given the importance of the discipline, will be devoted to the study of regulatory and administrative drafting techniques. The activities must also be accompanied by the final work of the drafting of the thesis and by the carrying out of training activities of your choice.

Final checks

The final checks planned for each individual teaching are entrusted to the College of Teachers. At the end of each academic year, the College, on the basis of a detailed report (on teaching, seminar and research activities) submitted by the doctoral students to the Coordinator, proceeds to their admission to the following year. In carrying out this assessment, the College shall be supported by the judgment of the Supervisors.

For the elaboration of the theses, there are study stays in Italian and foreign Archives and Libraries, always under the constant supervision of the lecturers-tutors.

The training path of the D.D., in the articulation of the disciplines and objectives set, is fully consistent with the strategic planning of the University and with the resources available within the College.