Objectives of the course

The Course aims to develop and refine the ability of PhD students to carry out critical analyses, evaluations and syntheses of ideas and processes in research institutions, public administration, the production system and the liberal professions.

The Doctorate intends, first of all, to promote the deepening of the organizational and functional profiles of the public administration and their interaction with the world of private companies, in the light of the metamorphoses that, over the last decades, have affected the organization and the administrative function and, above all, in consideration of the process of profound transformation that is currently involving the public administration and all the productive sectors as a result of the interventions provided for by the PNRR.

The temporal coincidence of the development of the Recovery Plan with the widest generational turnover of recent decades constitutes the most appropriate context to implement the cognitive baggage of the public apparatus, transfer to it new models and methods of decision-making complex as well as to encourage and stimulate the action of regulation, decision-making and conflict resolution in contexts in which there is a structural multidisciplinarity of knowledge and an interaction between public interests of various kinds and private interests that must be balanced in a conscious way. In this perspective, the PNRR provides for a structural reform of the PA that takes into account both the necessary internal constraints of the PA, related to the appropriate generational change and the adjustment of competences, and the external ones, linked to delays in the action of regulatory and administrative simplification and the digitisation of procedures. In this context, the desire is expressed, among the various interventions, to improve the administrative capacity of public bodies through paths of selection of the best skills and qualification of people.

The PhD, in the face of such a framework, aims to activate highly qualified training courses, aimed at allowing the development not only of research skills but also the technical-management culture of the students, with the adoption of tools that also stimulate a conscious and proactive approach to the digital transition.