Employment and professional opportunities

The Ph.D. is aimed at both recent graduates and employees of mainly public but also private administrations.

The Course aims at the training of professional figures suitable to hold managerial level positions in local, national, European and international public administrations.

Those who will obtain the title of PhD in Public Administration Sciences will have high-level transversal skills that will allow them to carry out professional activity in the administrative area as well as in the areas of management control and local and corporate finance, and more generally in all sectors of public administration (administrative compartments of state bodies, territorial public bodies, etc.).

The employment and professional outlets of the D.D. in Public Administration Sciences therefore concern national and international institutions, companies operating in the international market, public and private organizations with high-responsibility functions, the governance structures of national, European and international bodies.

The PhD aims at the professional qualification of employees, officials and managers of public and private administrations, but also provides the tools useful for carrying out research in the field of Administrative Sciences, offering professional opportunities also in national, European and international research institutes.